Great to hear these comments from the Federal Minister for Small Business, Michael McCormack MP who has said he is “in awe” of what brokers do.

Speaking at a breakfast meeting hosted by the Mortgage & Finance Association of Australia (MFAA) in Sydney this week the Small Business Minister and representative for Riverina, NSW, said that government “values what [brokers] do”.

Minister McCormack said, “I know, and my government knows and appreciates, what you do. Not just for the small business sector but what you do for your customers, your consumers — those people who need finance, those people who need good advice — and that’s the sort of thing you people are doing each and every day.

“You’re starting very early in the morning and finishing very late at night and sometimes when you get home you’ve got more paperwork, courtesy of our government”.

Minister McCormack continued, “Brokers now do more than half of all home loans and that is exactly what our government wants to see – you people ‘having a go’. And it’s important that its incumbent on government to make policy setting as easy for you to be able to actually have that go, to back yourself to do what you have done so well, for so many years”.

Source: The Adviser